Live music events, worship, outreach & more

A Music Missionary - creatively sharing the Good News through music and media

Worship and outreach are at the heart of everything we do.

We use music and media to creatively communicate the hope and love of the Gospel message.

Rob and his team love to work in partnership with churches, ministries, organisations, groups and individuals to put on music and outreach events that connect with their communities.

We always share the Gospel simply and effectively at our events and are thrilled to have seen many people decide to follow Jesus for the first time, with many more encouraged and blessed.

As well as live music outreach events, Rob Westall and his team are also available to provide in-person or online training workshops across a wide range of skills such as leading worship, songwriting and story-telling.

We’d love to have a chat and hear about what you’re doing and explore how we can potentially serve you.

The video below gives a flavour of what is possible, but please give us a call on 07712557320 or email us on: for an informal chat about how we can possibly work together.

What could an outreach event with Rob Westall and his team look like?

Sharing our songs and stories at venues of all sizes

A live version of Rob’s song ‘Death’s Lost It’s Sting’ recorded at Ratio TV Studios in South Wales.

As explained in the video above, we’ve found that our live music and media events, where we share our songs and stories, are extremely effective in powerfully sharing the hope and love we have.

These events can be in-person, online or a mixture of both. At theatres, halls, churches, venues of all sizes, big or small, even in homes.

If relevant Rob Westall is also available to lead worship and preach, perhaps alongside any live event we do.

We are passionate about encouraging, inspiring and blessing those who we serve alongside.

Sharing the Good News

At every event we are involved with, we respectfully work with our partners to share the Gospel, inviting people to receive Jesus, return to Him, or go deeper in their relationship with Him.

We ensure there is a ministry support team in place at every event we are part of to ensure that any one who responds to the Gospel message is linked with a local church and relevant resources on the next steps of their journey.

We have been honoured to receive so many messages from people whose lives have been positively impacted just by listening to our music and from attending one of our online or physical events.

Sharing our resources

If relevant our heart is also to encourage, inspire and train members of your team in worship leading, worship songwriting, music, media, technology and effective communication. We also provide all our partners with free resources such as:

FREE multi-tracks of all original songs from both albums with click & guide tracks

FREE chord charts for all songs

FREE consultation to hear how we can help in terms of outreach, streaming and events 

Please get in touch we’d love to hear from you!

We are here to support and encourage you with our gifts and talents and passion. Our ministry is mission-led so please get in touch and let’s see how we can work together for the hope and love we both share.

Please call us on 07712557320 or email to organise a chat and let’s explore how we can potentially serve together.

Alternatively please fill out the short form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

General Enquiry Form

Current events